Windows 7 RC coming to an end!!

Well, I guess it's time for me to install Windows 7 RTM...  I've been using RC since it's release back in May of last year. Microsoft's Win 7 RC will begin sending messages to the desktop that it is expiring, then on March 1st the system will notify then reboot every 2 hours, followed up by a nearly complete lock down by June 1st. Now you might be asking yourself, "what am I going to do"... Well, here are a few ideas that might work for you..
If your a geeky IT guy like myself you might take advantage of Microsoft's TechNet Plus. This would get you pretty much unlimited use of most of Microsoft's software for your own personal "testing" for about $250 bucks a year.
If that's not for you then here are a few links to some of the better Windows 7 deals out there...
Best Buy


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